Spring Newsletter

Welcome to spring! And for those of you who haven’t visted, welcome to HappyPuppyRacing.com. Still very much a work in progress, but hopefully will be a good way for us to better communicate. Would be great if you could each contribute some words for the team page 🙂 Just forward me a brief text along with a photo of yourself and I will add to the page.

Wow – what a great start to the season! It is only the 24th of March, yet we already have no snow on the property here in Montreal, canadian online gambling and the flowers are bursting from the ground. I spent the weekend of 10-11 March at the boat taking measurments for the code zero prod and other small additions, and as of the 7-8 April will be in full preparation mode. This is the year that the keel and rudder get epoxy-coated to fix that unpleasant polyester pox once and for all. This is the big job for the year, long with the addition of the prod. Other than that there is the usual cleaning & polishing, winch maintenance, etc. I will try to keep a schedule of the planned work posted for each weekend, and offers of assistance are always welcome.

As for the racing season, tentative plans include the Long Poing Challenge, LO-300 and LYRA race week. I could be convinced to do the Port Huron – Mac instead of the LO-300 if you guys and gals prefer, but would obviously need lots of help with delivery given the substantial added distance and time. Let me know your thoughts. Also let me know what local events that you are interested in and available for and we will see what fits everyone’s availabilty. The KYC Main Duck race would be fun, as would the Annual Regatta, Amherst Island Chase Race and the Frostbite. I would also like to get at least 2 days of practice boat handling in early in the season.

Look forward to hearing from all of you and seeing you on Happy Puppy!
